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  1. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    You do what excuse makers do which is to go on to justify their wrong…so it’s not really an acknowledgement. You were dead wrong. Full stop. But you said [you saw clips] of the action you described. You didn’t say it was described to you. So you either LIED about seeing it, or you lied about...
  2. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    As I struggled through your linear crossword puzzle of random letters, I think I was able to determine … that you’re full of ****, in addition to being a fool. She took no “roster spot from…” you are desperate.
  3. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    Do what? Hold you accountable? How come you can’t just admit that you were wrong? How come someone has to share your guilt?
  4. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    That hurt my eyes. What are you actually trying to say? Is English your first language? It reads like you’re hurt. Well, it actually doesn’t read well at all, it reads like you’re nearly functionally illiterate. And angry. About what, I don’t know. So many circumstances had to mesh for this to...
  5. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    So, now I’m crazy and need to take a deep watch because you had a strong opinion about something that you didn’t know the full story? A little more humility would do you good. But, yes, you MISREPRESENTED the event.
  6. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    You don’t have to lie about what we all saw yesterday. What you described never happened. She didn’t sprint directly to the sideline. She jogged off the field AFTER the play is over. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Making history. <a...
  7. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    No, really, it is [a bad take]. And why are you so emotional about it? “…world is equal…”, “…canceling…”, “…kicker was trash the kick was trash.” How…is the kicker trash? I mean, you tried to set the record on stupid statements in a … paragraph (?), but how is she trash? And why ar you her...
  8. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    Because, of course, you, the great arbiter of who’s discriminated against, would know. That settles it.
  9. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    You’re missing the fact that your “moment” is in fact a “movement” for someone else (and vice versa), parenthood has nothing to do with it. It’s that shred of understanding -which you tend to miss- that is the focus of almost everything upon we disagree. Because what you just described...
  10. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    Which activism? The activism you like or the activism you don’t? Because the “dying” 8 year old example you gave is, well, activism. As is the example of the self-penalty … How do you not see this?
  11. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    - that’s the very definition of the “everybody gets a trophy mentality“. Why does this dying 8 year old deserve a sport moment? Why not the other kid with asthma? Where does it end? Your ”cult” definition suffers from reasoning dyslexia. You’re projecting blame instead of looking in the mirror...
  12. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    Smh. And you were almost doing well. - I never said what happened yesterday was good for the sport, or sports in general, throughout this thread I’ve made my position known. - your point went into crazy/tinfoil hat/talk radio/cult territory when you couldn’t resist bringing extremism to simple...
  13. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    This is a stupid take, directly from pearl-clutching, outrage class.
  14. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    World Track (formerly IAAF) has been fighting this battle since 1993. There have been arguments from tons of lawyers and doctors for track to rid the sport of these competitors. IAAF required them to take meds that suppressed their testosterone production but IAAF later lost in court. As for the...
  15. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    I agree with you. What I mean by “overreach” is that my answer ventures into the p-analytical. So, let me be more clear that I agree with the stance of the article because I’ve followed this for a number of years (I may have even read that article). High school boys who “identify as trans”...
  16. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    I agree with you … in part … but I can’t see where an isolated incident like this opens up the door for UNFAIR competition. Yes, men, or their surgically derivative selves, should not compete against women. - Do I think Diana Tuarasi could have played D1 basketball? In a very limited definition...
  17. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    World Track (previously IAAF) have fought a high profile battle against Caster Semenya (RSA) and other athletes who are considered “intersexed“. This is different than trans, which are banned to my knowledge. Intersexed is a trickier argument, but it all leads to them having an advantage and...
  18. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    This is different, I think you are wrong about how you’re comparing this. And, if they get smoked, they get smoked, but i assume that’s the reason for the “onside” kick … so she wouldn’t have to be blocked/blindsided.
  19. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    You have more faith in it than me. I think the “push” doesn’t mind who is run over—paradoxically, the entire reason for Title IX was to prevent against this type of thing by giving WOMEN more opportunities, never figuring that a new class of “women” would be legally discovered. This becomes...
  20. Tetragrammaton Cane

    OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

    I initially had no problem with this Vandy kicker thing; figured that a woman kicker should be able to look the part (I’m thinking big Mia Hamm from her UNC days…); and since Vandy kickers were decimated by COVID-19 … she should at least look the part as a P5 scholarship athlete... That was...