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  1. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Big big victory. I dont give a damm if its only 1 point. Whoa i didnt think we could do it today but we did.
  2. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

  3. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    This is high stakes drama.
  4. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Why the heck didnt we pass. These last 2 drives absolutely sucked.
  5. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    That was freaking awful. Man oh man that was bad.
  6. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    We cant get vanilla right now. Come on Lashlee!
  7. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Harris is dancing for no reason. Gosh
  8. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Whoa did we get lucky on that one.
  9. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    BJ doing what he do. Cant make a play for his team ever.
  10. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    We need this stop in the worst way
  11. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Woo hoo!! Big sack by Phillips
  12. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Bolden isnt putting any effort into it right now.
  13. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    So this is why Vegas picked VT by 2.
  14. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Why didnt we just run it. Damm
  15. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Couch is MVP.. TURNOVER CHAIN!!
  16. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    We are leaving a ton of points out there. We should be up by 6 points at least.
  17. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Biggest play by POPE I have ever seen.
  18. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Wiggins must be weightless. He goes down like a toddler.
  19. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    Our lineman are so damm slow. Cant catchup to block for nothing.
  20. hurricane04

    Canes vs VT

    I feel like we can run on them if we pick smart run plays.