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  1. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    I don't know if ***** was dancing after wins when he went 6-7. And I doubt he's danced in the locker room after his team's 3rd straight ****** performance. I don't think Mabo slip n' sliding after a ****** performance automatically means he's going to continue to struggle as a HC. It's more...
  2. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    Thank you for finally admitting it. There's nothing for me to be entrenched about. I didn't start this stupid thread, and I never claimed ***** doesn't celebrate in the locker room after wins.
  3. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    He's been doing it forever. These rubes act like they just found the smoking gun at trial and now everyone's in a panic to move the goal posts. ***** dances, and ***** wins NCs. Mabo slips n' slides, and Mabo's players see him as their goofy old friend.
  4. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    First of all, I never said ***** would never celebrate a close win, so I won't even enter that fray. Here's the issue in a nutshell: Mabo isn't Dabo. What Dabo does, Mabo doesn't necessarily get to do. This is the issue despite you claiming it isn't. The knock on Mabo is that he's running a...
  5. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    I'll slow it down for you: Why you making such a big deal about ***** dancing in the locker room if you see it all the time?
  6. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    You didn't know that? You haven't seen countless videos of coaches celebrating in the locker room with their team?
  7. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    Every coach celebrates in the locker room with his team. You really broke some news here, Mrs. D.
  8. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    It's OK, Mrs. Diaz. Your boy's set for at least a couple more years, and you can keep trying to convince dummies he's Dabo because Dabo dances in the locker room and Dabo won 6 games once.
  9. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    Are there people on here that don't know ***** regularly dances around in the locker room like a gimp? You guys haven't seen him do this **** a dozen times before this?
  10. The Franchise

    Dabo would NEVER “slip and slide” after that win today!!!

    When Mabo wins a couple NCs, he can do all the slippin and slidin and dancin he wants to do. OP is intent on teaching us that Mabo and Dabo are the same. LOL