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  1. The Franchise

    MSU Mass Exodus: Do we take any?

    thispube, what the fvck are you even arguing about? You’re like an old lady at the nursing home picking fights over nothing because you’ve got nothing else going on. First, you’re pimping Leach to **** on Mabo. No one’s talking about Mabo. Then, in the next breath, you’re claiming you don’t...
  2. The Franchise

    MSU Mass Exodus: Do we take any?

    You can't be this dumb. Nothing I said has anything to do with Mabo Diaz. I ridiculed your brainless statement that beating a decimated LSU team this year is some sort of grand accomplishment.
  3. The Franchise

    MSU Mass Exodus: Do we take any?

    LOL at LSU 2020 being a "signature win." Gonna be a lot of guys with "signature wins" this year. Folden beat Ohio Taint and UF. He must be a genius too.
  4. The Franchise

    MSU Mass Exodus: Do we take any?

    His offense is super basic and easily defended by teams with good athletes. Look at what Jimmy Lake did to him every year. There are many people who have taken elements of Mumme's Air Raid and do it much better than Leach now. You can't succeed at a high level in big time football with no run...
  5. The Franchise

    MSU Mass Exodus: Do we take any?

    They ran Moorhead off for winning 8 games. They won't have a long leash for someone blowing **** up and winning 4 games.
  6. The Franchise

    MSU Mass Exodus: Do we take any?

    Standard Leach protocol. He goes in blustering. Wins a game he shouldn't. Then has some bad losses. Blames the players for being malcontents and rips them to shreds. Sets the bar incredibly low with a 3 win season. Then, gets people to think he's a superstar when he makes small improvements...