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  1. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Not buying the Lashlee hype anymore. Really disappointing, looks like Clemson gave everyone a clinic in how to dismantle his offenses.
  2. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    This defense is horrendous on any down and long situations. We give every team so much cushion.
  3. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    OL has 0 confidence.
  4. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Offense imploding right now. Clemson gave the country. 60-minutes of film on how to kick our ***.
  5. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Pitt is a really bad team, and we've kept them in the game with mistake after mistake.
  6. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    King has played two horrific games. Not a lot of confidence in him right now whatsoever.
  7. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Finally one of our WR's does something.
  8. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    King's passing ability really doesn't stand out to me, but it's hard to get anything going when your WR's are the worst in P5 Football.
  9. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Man Wiggins is absolutely terrible.
  10. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Defense played real well, offense was average at best. King isn't impressing anyone today. Way to erratic on his accuracy.
  11. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    They've batted down 3 or 4 of King's passes already. What a joke.
  12. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    At this point, King doesn't have a deep ball, especially outside the hashes.
  13. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Seriously Phillips?
  14. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    We're leaving their WR's wide open.
  15. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Pitt killing themselves. What's that now, four personal foul penalties?
  16. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Nice catch and run by Pope.
  17. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Great play by Dunson.
  18. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Incredible how our guy's can't line up correctly.
  19. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    Dumb play by Jennings, don't understand why he's still playing.
  20. FL Cane

    Canes vs Pitt

    We've been terrible on 3rd down today, 0/3 so far.