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  1. M

    From Another Coach: Manny's Problem

    Good point loyal Hurricane fan. But it seems to moi, that A LOT of today's Hurricane fans DON'T want to admit that just maybe, other REGIONS of the country have similar, or even BETTER, talented HS football player's coming out of HS. huh? Also, a lot of south Florida prep talent are leaving...
  2. M

    From Another Coach: Manny's Problem

    And, it's obvious your'e LOST IN DELUSION! duh. Oh. And one more notion. Yes, Miami has more player's in the NFL today. But WHY didn't those players LIVE UP TO EXPECTATIONS at Miami. After all, you'all HYPED UP these 5-Star players and what not. But the past ten or twelve seasons, it...
  3. M

    From Another Coach: Manny's Problem

    Did U even consider that Miami was simply OUT TALENTED on both sides of the LOS!?? duh! In other words, I don't know what game U was watching, but it surely wasn't the Saturn night disaster in small town Carolina Sud. The bottom line: Clemson had MEN playing all eleven positions. Whereas it...