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  1. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    They did, finally. Happy to see the chain come out. Can’t wrap my head around how many yards we allowed though. Flip side is Louisville has a better offense and QB than anyone not named Clemson or UNC on our schedule.
  2. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Defense gets an F tonight.
  3. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Finally we end it.
  4. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Defense has regressed from last year, no doubt, unfortunately.
  5. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Man 4/4 from all over the field. 12-points, what a grab by the staff.
  6. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

  7. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Finally our D did something. We can end it here.
  8. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Come on D our offense is playing it’s best game in f*cking forever, get a stop.
  9. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Baker getting worked.
  10. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Would’ve been a guarantee last year.
  11. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Never seen such blatant holding in a game. Refs blind whenever UL drives.
  12. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Need to tighten up on O in the second. Louisville is definitely going to change some things up, need to gash them.
  13. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Missed opportunities on O but overall a solid half.
  14. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Refs massively bailing out Louisville in the first half. Absolutely blatant.
  15. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Campbell and Pope singlehandedly murdered that drive.
  16. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Pope ain’t it.
  17. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Refs calling anything they can against us, and are blind when the Louisville OL is on the field.
  18. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    Bolden man.
  19. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    UL holding on every play.
  20. FL Cane

    Canes vs Louisville

    When was the last time we made a 57-yd FG?!?