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  1. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    LOL damnit El u knew which black and gold academic institution I meant. Brb.....taking a lap for that brain fart.
  2. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    I don't think he's very good either but I've seen several lists over the past year or so that have him as a Top 50 prospect. He won't get out of the 3rd round. He'll test very well, the Vandy/intelligence thing will be played up and he's got some moldable skills. IMO he's a Day 2 pick. AKA...
  3. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    There is a 7 or 8 billion percent chance Newman will be drafted. Come on. It's the NFL....if you have anything resembling a pulse and you're a QB, you get a shot.
  4. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    I know Gatewood is still waiting. Think it's been 9 months lol.
  5. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    I missed that he was cleared by the NCAA. That's official? I keep reading he's NOT cleared, but I know you're correct if you posted it, so they must be talking about not cleared medically. I was under the impression he was still waiting for a waiver.
  6. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    Was my first thought as well. They don't play Auburn either. If they can't at least get to Atlanta, that fan base is going to Chernobyl.
  7. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    Oh, **** yes. We had a few threads about this last week and I said the same thing. And sadly, it will very much become the norm. Sure, you'll have the Trevor Lawrence's of the world. Every kid is different. But if Covid is gone next fall, you're still going to have plenty of kids opt out...
  8. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    I wasn't comparing them. He asked who opts out of their money year. Several kids have, and yes I agree Rousseau will still likely be a Top 10 pick, but there's certainly questions surrounding him that a lot of scouts hoped would be answered this year. Newman will still be drafted plenty high...
  9. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    He's not. Yet. But it's the SEC and UGA needs him, so you can bet your *** he will be very soon.
  10. OrangeBowlMagic

    UGA Jamie Newman likely opting out of season.

    Greg Rousseau? Newman is still going to be a high draft pick. I see where you're coming from, for sure...he could have raised his draft stock, theoretically, and clearly went to UGA to do so. But he's going to make a lot of money in April regardless if he plays a snap for UGA or not. So...