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  1. Brains

    NCAA grants extra year of eligibility

    Very lawyerly, this.
  2. Brains

    NCAA grants extra year of eligibility

    This is unreal. Why do some people even entertain the notion that the NCAA is going to allow teams to sign over 85? It's not happening. They are just going to grandfather the players who are on scholarship but miss the season. They're not going to allow extra signings. There will be over 85...
  3. Brains

    NCAA grants extra year of eligibility

    They will, but it will just be for those already in. So, they are not just going to give everyone 30 extra scholarships. Then, as each of the eligible players leaves, it will slowly revert to 85 at a time.
  4. Brains

    NCAA grants extra year of eligibility

    Josh Jobe will be drawing social security.