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  1. MainLineCane

    Supreme court rules on expanded benefits for athletes!

    I'm ok with him selling cards, his socks underwear, autographed pictures or papers and even Girl Scout cookies etc etc to make a few $$$. Let's just hope that the NCAA doesn't ever consider those selling Girl Scout cookies about stigmatizing our youth. Little Lisa's a Pro
  2. MainLineCane

    Supreme court rules on expanded benefits for athletes!

    Cmon man ONE MIND.... ain't that what we're both after?? Now you acting like you want to think for yourself...instead of like me. We can't have that if we want ONE MIND Can't be a ONE MIND world with people running around trying to think , be and do different! What kinda stupid **** is...
  3. MainLineCane

    Supreme court rules on expanded benefits for athletes!

    Yesiree by golly. You were. Listen, I too oppose anyone out there who's dastardly and ungodly enough ta feel that they have a right to an opinion other than mine.. Dang rabble rousers!! I say let's be a nation of ONE MIND. That's right! of ONE MIND!!......Dont you agree!?.....long as it's MY...
  4. MainLineCane

    Supreme court rules on expanded benefits for athletes!

    "They" are just awful :oops:...... "Them" and "Those" are even worse We gotta find better ways of stopping "These" people with different opinions from expressing them. Cause our opinion is the ONLY one that counts. Ain't dat rite!! Yee Haaa!!
  5. MainLineCane

    Supreme court rules on expanded benefits for athletes!

    Yes About athletic scholarship spots at various Universities being held open for rich paying non-athletes
  6. MainLineCane

    Supreme court rules on expanded benefits for athletes!

    ???? I suggest you reread or have someone read to you what I wrote After that's done, I doubt that you'll feel that your response has anything to do with anything I wrote.
  7. MainLineCane

    Supreme court rules on expanded benefits for athletes!

    I did read your post I asked a different open question..outside of rules considerations. It was not an attack ...nor was I seeking information on rules of which I am already very much aware. Seems you misunderstood my intent / motive in seeking to satisfy my curiosity by asking my question...
  8. MainLineCane

    Supreme court rules on expanded benefits for athletes!

    Since ALL the BIGTIME colleges playing BIGTIME sports are able to pay. (Yes I know about Title XIII) ?? Why are so many people OUTSIDE of football so concerned about how much athletes could make in college?? What's it to them??It's not coming out of their pocket?? I've always wondered about...