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  1. T

    Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

    These partisan hacks & ideologues all suffer from cognitive dissonance. They try to present a false choice between unfettered capitalism that has run amok & totalitarianism. Their binary arguments are built around the false premise that any form of govt. intervention/regulation is ultimately an...
  2. T

    Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

    I won't, as long as you don't confuse being a partisan hack & ideologue with being well-informed & knowledgeable. At the same time I know that you suffer from dementia & incontinence, so I'm willing to cut you a little slack, because you don't have many more days left.
  3. T

    Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

    How can fiscal responsibility be subjective when the top 1/5th have 90% of the wealth?
  4. T

    Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

    Only a partisan hack & ideologue would preach fiscal responsibility & austerity during a time when the top 1/5th has 90% of all the wealth in this country. Did fiscal irresponsibility help create that? Cognitive dissonance at it's finest. The unbridgeable divide is created & exacerbated by those...
  5. T

    Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

    A man that's forced to play on an unleveled playing field? I'm curious to know at what pt is wealth redistribution Ok in your eyes-when the top 1% has more wealth than the bottom 90% combined? Do you honestly think Socialism & Communism helped create this level of grotesque income inequality in...