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  1. Memnon

    Any Details: Ivins Latest ?

    If kids ask not to let out info then why would he say, "gonna be tough to beat Saban for Marshall"? If he was asked either by Marshall or Bama not to say anything, wouldn't him saying that go directly against what they asked him not to say?
  2. Memnon

    Any Details: Ivins Latest ?

  3. Memnon

    Any Details: Ivins Latest ?

    See, there's a method to my madness, I ask rhetorical questions knowing how people will respond to them so that I can setup my overarching point... If what you're saying is true & (I agree with you that it is), then that means his credibility isn't as strong as some believe it to be. It means...
  4. Memnon

    Any Details: Ivins Latest ?

    Even the big time Ivins fans on here have to admit, that was some bullshìt "update". Not an ounce of anything viable in it, just a whole lotta ultra safe super fluff. And I'm not subscribed, I saw it on a IG page. Here's the thing about the Marshall update, what purpose does it serve to even...