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  1. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    The common argument against ending prohibition is that all of the sudden everyone will start doing drugs. Which I find ridiculous because nobody is just waiting for crack or heroin to be legalized so they can become a junkie. If the only thing keeping you from doing meth is that it's illegal...
  2. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    What do they think the gangs are fighting over? It ain't over a game of Uno, I'll tell you that. Gangs fight for drug turf. The more turf you have, the more spots you can sell drugs from. The more spots to sell drugs from, the more money you make. Everything is over drug money. There'd be almost...
  3. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    Well since we’re getting into proactive tactics, how about we legalize all drugs? Almost all violent crime is due to drug prohibition. How do you think gangs and violent cartels have the money to arm themselves with all these guns? Take away their racket and there’s no more revenue. The more law...
  4. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    Honestly, when the CO came to get me out of the drunk tank, I swore she was calling to take me to the tents and I was ****ting a brick. When she told me my bail had been posted it was the ultimate relief
  5. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    The Indian reservation employs their own police force. The local county sheriffs and police departments don’t have any jurisdiction on the reservation
  6. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    Active police presence has been shown to deter crime. Unfortunately in areas where most of the crimes occur the police are far from active. Police in the US are often reactive instead of proactive. Showing up to a crime scene sometimes hours after it took place to log it in a journal does...
  7. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    Reality means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I’m thankful I never had to grow up in fear. I think it’s important that we see the world through other people’s life experiences. We can get complacent, especially if we’ve never really experienced the rougher side of life...
  8. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    I never made it out to the tents. I was in the drunk tank for two days before I got bailed out. Every other person who had the same charges as me got ROR but the judge told me and my friends that we were "flight risks" because we were from Florida so I had to get bailed out. Who TF is going to...
  9. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    I hear you man. Lot's of places are taking steps in the right direction regarding drug laws. I mean, I don't even do any illegal drugs anymore, not even pot but I'm just against the idea that everything that's unhealthy for you should be illegal. I think there's much better ways to deploy a...
  10. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    It's definitely better now with a lot of places decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana but I'm sure there's a bunch of places (mostly smaller rural areas) where they want to lock you up for smoking the devil's lettuce. The thing about my situation was that it really opened my eyes. The...
  11. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    I was arrested in Arizona in 2001 for smoking pot. I was not selling it or distributing it. I was on a road trip with some friends and the night clerk at the hotel I was staying in called the cops because he smelled the joint we had smoked. The cops came and arrested all of us. Here's the really...
  12. DTP

    OT: Meanwhile, at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL (Seminole Reservation)

    First off, the Hard Rock Casino is in Hollywood, on the Seminole Indian reservation. They are sovereign so there is no publicly funded police force there. They have their own private police and fire departments. Secondly, this kind of stuff isn’t new. Jesus, you think some of you pearl clutchers...