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    the hate is real !

    you still slow.

    the hate is real !

    NOBODY WILL EVER FORGET WHAT THOSE GUYS HAVE DONE FOR OUR PROGRAM BUT **** WAKE UP. We haven't had success like that in yrs and we haven't been doing anything in the recruiting game until now. This is where our program turns around This is where we start putting more then one guy in the first...

    the hate is real !

    First of all re-re I was saying we need to get back to that where we have more guys being put in the first round. It's retards like you who are stuck on the past while everyone else is moving forward. YES WE HAD LEGENDS IN THE PAST BUT now the new kids on the block need to step up. and start...

    the hate is real !

    To be honest Idc we need to figure out how to win before we hit any news station complaining about notoriety. I think if we hustle this yr and have a season these young man are learning he playbook and trying to get better we will get all the fire and fame. We still got work to do ON AND OFF THE...