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  1. Sigma_Cane_7

    Dawg Tears

    🤣😂 Big Facts. None of us are undergrad anymore. Simple acknowledgment, 3 shots for the founders, and move on.
  2. Sigma_Cane_7

    Dawg Tears

    Still wouldn’t have shocked me until the “super secret handshake”. The cover would’ve been blown then lol. 2 of the guys on my pledging line weren’t black. Phi Beta Sigma is open to all races. We pride ourselves on being, “The People’s Frat”, or the “Inclusive We”.
  3. Sigma_Cane_7

    Dawg Tears

    Absolutely. They flood the **** out my timeline. There’s so many of them. It’s like ants at a picnic how many and fast they come out.
  4. Sigma_Cane_7

    Dawg Tears

    That’s up there pretty high on my social media embarrassment scale. Right behind the time I swore up and down that Childish Gambino and Danny Glover had to be twins or related. 😳
  5. Sigma_Cane_7

    Dawg Tears

    Anymore tears Bet that up frat. Likewise. MAB. Today is the Wife’s founders day. Yeah I married a Delta. They are so extra on their Founders Day
  6. Sigma_Cane_7

    Dawg Tears

    Anymore tears 👀
  7. Sigma_Cane_7

    Dawg Tears

    They are cannabalizing each other in there. And the mods. Then the mods are stepping up for each other. 😂😂👀