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  1. T

    High School Football Update

    That’s exactly what the science “says”. Nice try dope. Now get back to shuffling those tax returns.
  2. T

    High School Football Update

    That’s exactly what the science “says”. Go look at the international studies that weren’t conducted in China. You’re struggling “counselor”. Stop relying on faulty information.
  3. T

    High School Football Update

    You remind of this guy I went to school with that bragged about being an attorney, only to find out he was some tax attorney; aka, he was really only a glorified turbo tax preparer. Like bragging about being a pro football player but really being a practice squad player in the arena league
  4. T

    High School Football Update

    So what does the science say about HS, and below, aged kids playing contact sports?
  5. T

    High School Football Update

    I thought science says to put kids back into schools. Are they now saying science doesn’t really matter.