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  1. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    We can meet there
  2. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    Ok great, I’m glad we made it this far and you haven’t proven to be completely unreasonable. But I’m still going to argue that you’re ascribing something to him that was never there. Is this UV treatment a real thing, yes. Is the president privy to information about leading edge medical...
  3. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    Dog, you can watch the guy explain it on video. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to accept. Heres a transcript of him explaining that comment.
  4. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    What’s the price of a turnip in Wisconsin?
  5. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    I never said he advised people to inject disinfectant, and I could care less that the guy said some dumb sht. He says dumb sht all the time, but people trying to rationalize the dumb sht with some abstract interpretation of what he really meant, after the guy already walked back his comments, is BS.
  6. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    It's hilarious because going by the guys own words after the fact when he caught heat for it, it was "a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside." His nuthuggers don't know which lane to pick on this one.
  7. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    As a reminder, this stems from a relatively benign, offhand comment I made like 2 months ago about a political e-celeb who happens to fall on the more conservative side, and somehow this makes me a left wing cult member. Dudes been swinging on my nuts here ever since. Talk about mental slavery.
  8. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    You are not, never were, and never will be "my people". No need to confuse yourself as such again. Last reply you'll get from me here, clown.
  9. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    Ya, they are pretty loony, but it is hard for me to dislike them that much because I mostly feel bad. I think it shows how helpless people can feel in their lives and with our society at large where such fantastical narratives can easily shape their worldview. These people basically live in a...
  10. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    Unrelated, but the Q thing still baffles me honestly. It wasn’t even a decent larp to start, but it gained unthinkable traction with a certain segment of people and it’s still going years later.
  11. Lokest

    Canes test positive

    This thread is amazing. It's actually hard to wrap your head around it all, not like a mask of course, but in a general sense.