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  1. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    First of all, Manny shouldn't have gotten the job to begin with (after no search). But that's water under the bridge. If we beat every team on the schedule that we had more talent than, we would have had 10 wins last year. But that's the story of just about every season in the last 15. This...
  2. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    The University of Miami football program has accomplished less with more talent over the past 15+ years than any collegiate program in any sport in the history of college athletics. I give a rat's fart about recruiting ratings and potential at this point. The name of the game is Ws, and Manny...
  3. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    Anytime anywhere. Amirite guys?
  4. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

  5. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    Non conference covid has a CFR of about 60%. Conference covid is .06%.
  6. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    Spring break in March didn't have anything to do with Covid blowing up in FL in June.
  7. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    Why not? Dabo ended Al Golden. 2x Dabo can certainly end Manny. Dabo can be the grim reaper for crappy UM coaches.
  8. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    So they will be making their decision right as Covid deaths are probably starting to peak across the sun belt, and the decision will be to play football? Yeah, ok. We all know how this is going to end.
  9. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    Nah. I'll pass on the **** teasing and inevitable blue balls.
  10. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    Nobody really pays attention to El Trumpo anymore. I think his clout to start CFB this fall is nil.
  11. tcgrad1014

    247 Reporting ACC...

    Just cancel the season and stop with the shennanigens.