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  1. Cryptical Envelopment

    ICE Announcement - Potential Impact on Louis Hedley?

    They were literally trying to bully schools into opening up. F’ing monsters.
  2. Cryptical Envelopment

    ICE Announcement - Potential Impact on Louis Hedley?

    They are def partisan, but IMO they spin things a bit, or selectively report, they don't make stuff up out of nowhere or deliberately post misinformation which is why there are in a better position than some of the wackadoodles. That said, they are practically hanging off the very edge of that...
  3. Cryptical Envelopment

    ICE Announcement - Potential Impact on Louis Hedley?

    You could say that for about 70% of the outlets listed. The NYP is the ******* library of congress compared to some of those names lol. Sadly, many people in this country are easily duped. Plus, they have cheesecake pics on pg. 6!
  4. Cryptical Envelopment

    ICE Announcement - Potential Impact on Louis Hedley?

    Anyone who gets their info from Fox News or MSNBC is a fool. They just want to hear what they want to hear, accuracy be damned. Anyone who gets their news from the real crazy pants sites like Daily Kos, OAN, Palmer Report or Infowars are just unsalvageable. Stay in the green box on the...