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  1. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Good lord, man, you're changing everything this discussion is based on... First, they aren't traditional "virtual-based employees" like you keep making it seem over and over. As the article plainly states, the policy "applies to employees whose job duties require them to be on campus full-time...
  2. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    My comment about taking it from reality to sensationalism wasn't directed it at you. It was directed at the poster who responded to what I felt was a fair question by me with hypotheticals that were entirely unrealistic and nothing but a sidetrack to the actual discussion, commented that I...
  3. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Because the role of a professor rarely ever involves standard work hours. THAT is a type of work that can be done at various hours and while juggling other things because the times you're actually required to be somewhere are rather limited. But I think we'd all agree it would not be ok for a...
  4. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    The article specifically states that the policy does not apply to professors. Again, it ONLY applies to those with job descriptions which require them to be on campus full-time M-F from 9-5 and specifically excludes professors. Facts matter, guys.
  5. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    A teacher's primary job role is the teaching itself; grading papers is a corollary component that is always done on 'off' time. My wife was a school teacher before our daughter was born. I thought middle school for two years myself. Could a teacher teach a class of students effectively...
  6. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Straight from the article: The insatiable desire of our society right now to push everything towards the sensational even when doing so flies in the face of the fact pattern at hand is absolutely destroying civil discourse in this country.
  7. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Agree 100% with that. That is the arrangement in our house and I am appreciative every day for everything my wife does for our family. My wife's full-time job IS being a stay at home mom and it can be as challenging and straining as any other job in America. But the discussion about this FSU...
  8. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Either you've never had kids or you are just being plain disingenuous here. This hypothetical you keep relying on has no basis in reality.
  9. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Whether you are the sole supervisor of young children instead of working during your work hours is not your employer's concern? What?!? Mind you, they didn't have to offer a remote option, they could have demanded all full time employees have to report to campus in which case all the people in...
  10. For_The_U

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Based on the current comments in this thread, I may get destroyed for this but it's a genuine question... My read of that article is that it only applies to people whose job requires them to be on location M-F 9-5. Yet they aren't saying "You must all come in, COVID be damned!"; in fact, quite...