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  1. 5ringshowboutu

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    I feel like that is changing immensely. I know yall hate on us bleeding heart youngins (realtivelt youngin lol) but we are driving change in workforces. USAA offered on-site gyms, on site child care, on site doctor visits, maternity and paternity leave, tuition reimbursement, the whole nine...
  2. 5ringshowboutu

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Ah gotcha. Wasnt trying to argue or sound like I was, was just looking for your point of view. I also didn' think you were saying "***** them kids and their families" either lol I grew up watching my mom take my special needs sister to work every day. Granted she was pretty high functioning and...
  3. 5ringshowboutu

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    What support staff that can work remotely, would need to be without distraction for an 8 hour period? Also sensationalizing would be taking this current situation and comparing it to every day scenarios. Of course a teacher couldn't be 100% effective with their kid in the class every day of...
  4. 5ringshowboutu

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Why do you do think professors should be excluded?
  5. 5ringshowboutu

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    My college professors have one "live class" a week and those lectures are recorded so you can watch anytime. It's not FSU but I dont see why a teacher would need full attention for 40 hours a week when I'm not getting instruction for 40 hours. I understand lesson plans take time but why couldn't...
  6. 5ringshowboutu

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    Do you feel the production would drop significantly for teachers if they watched their kid while they graded papers at home?
  7. 5ringshowboutu

    OT -- Panhandle School Keeping it Classy

    **** I quit a pretty lucrative pest control job with a new small company in April because they valued profits over their customers and employees. Didn't have any ppe besides dust masks. No state mandated half face respirators, no nitrile gloves for mixing chems and had me, the only guy with a...