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  1. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    Please, please, please tell me you are threatening me. Just simple yes or no. Unfortunately for you, flight doc just give me my annual and full panel. Fight to fight as we say although she did admonish me for LDL (I love a good bacon cheeseburger). I suspect I'll be walking and talking for...
  2. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    You were saying about bridging divides?
  3. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    Says who? You? Me? The drunkard begging for money on Bird Road? What books shall we now throw into the bonfire?
  4. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    and over the falls people go again and again with beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's the "opinionism" vs the "factism" that has been the death blow to our Union as we once knew her.
  5. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    By not suffering fools like yourself.
  6. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    And you are the arbiter of all things pick-an-ist? Of course you are. The tears will never be resewn. Too many with functional and rational thought are lost amongst the generations.
  7. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    I was actually the worst DD (I would get the drunkest) amd most derelict in my duties. FUN FACT: I paid a $890 taxi bill as punishment in Europe when I was a young war fighter
  8. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    DIE! DIE! DIE! I'm sorry, I just get crazy when I'm all hopped up on mountain dew and arnie palmer chasers.
  9. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    ☝️Didn't read #1 obviously.
  10. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    Fascinating back story. Gotta have thick skin and when they poke or slap, you burn down their village and place their heads on a pike. If they fail to learn their lesson, then you get nasty.
  11. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    He is here somewhere. Guy like that can't quit for the attention. Mess with the bull, get the horns on occasion. 🤫🤔☠⚰
  12. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    Respectfully disagree. The contempt, the hate, the indifference (worst of all actually) is now baked in for at least 2 generations. On every third rail issue, the only compromise is the utter and total destruction of the opposing side. There is no more my, "my colleague from the state of x...
  13. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    You are far too kind... on the latter.
  14. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    the gulf has, and will remain, ever widening. political plate tectonics can't be stopped.
  15. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    We long passed the point of no return. Funny the written word and the permanence of the internets and the google. It often bites back upon the memory challenged or revisionist inclined.
  16. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    It's very mature. Now who would do that here? hmmmmmmmmmm
  17. Empirical Cane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    Minus the very end of course. In our alternate universe, RVA Cyrus unifies the Gangs of New York and we take our precious turf one block at a time. Leo will totally play me in the sequel.