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  1. 423Hurricane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    Allowing “one” segment of the economy to dominate the others is not solid economic policy as the others will wilt away and the entity permitting that dominance will as well.
  2. 423Hurricane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    I just have more time on my hands these days. You’re a solid poster and shouldn’t fear the KTDT guillotine.
  3. 423Hurricane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    I must tread lightly. I’m still in wannabe status.
  4. 423Hurricane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    I understand the CIS business model and in no way begrudge the owners for any compensation they generate. I appreciate the fact they had the foresight and wherewithal to create a FREE forum for all us Canes to have a place to interact with each other. No doubt the two gained their notoriety in...
  5. 423Hurricane

    Serial Thread Wreckers & Other Assorted Problem Children - BEWARE

    The main difference in the two you cite is one is one of the most level-headed, insightful, knowledgeable gentlemen I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. The other provides some insight but attacks, belittles, berates and insults.anyone that doesn’t agree with him. If the number of...