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  1. Atom Atlas

    UCLA & NFL players say **** Chip Kelly

    I'm still here...sorta...LOL!!
  2. Atom Atlas

    UCLA & NFL players say **** Chip Kelly

    It was fun... Wish I woulda stuck with it and did something more in some capacity.... There was an announcer named David Penzer that got his start there as well ... He made it to WCW and Imapct for a while.... Not gonna lie I was a mess back then... Still had fun though for the time it lasted...
  3. Atom Atlas

    UCLA & NFL players say **** Chip Kelly

    When I was 19 I worked for Roop and Dr. Red Roberts... They a ran a local wrestling org down here in Sunrise called Global wrestling.... Didn't last long. Meaning the org and me working for them. I basically did it for free just to get a foot in the door but it went no where.... He was cool...