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  1. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Nope, just Trump tbqh...
  2. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Oh I don’t know, but using your logic, it must mean Trump lacks common sense. But I think we all already knew that...
  3. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Oh like when our current president stated he has done more for the African American community than any other president before him? Did Trump not take civics or History class or did he just forget about Abraham Lincoln?
  4. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Okay, true, but when you’re talking about gathering to listen to a BS politician in Trump who we all know lies on a consistent basis, and then compare that act to people protesting on a serious issue such as racism and police brutality, you know **** well what any non-biased independent thinking...
  5. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    I was just going off of what it states in the constitution. Does it state in the constitution that going to a presidential rally is so important and is considered a sacred right for all Americans like it says in regards to protesting???
  6. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    It’s not emotion, it’s more-so utilizing common sense and having a sense of what is truly going on in this country over the last 200 plus years. Also, protesting for a great cause is way more important than listening to some BS politician. It really doesn’t matter if you agree with the meaning...
  7. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Going to a rally to listen to Trump lie constantly is a little less important than people exercising their 1st amendment rights to protest against racism, social injustice, and police brutality, no???
  8. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Both sides always operate under a political lens during an election year, I just find it hilarious yet scary that there are some Trump supporters that view this pandemic as a completely made up thing...
  9. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Gotcha. Both political parties are making it about politics. Fact
  10. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    What are you inferring here?