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  1. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Pretty prejudice of you to attack his skin color because he disagrees with you on a message board
  2. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Just a quick google search on September 18, 1858, “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,” -Lincoln-
  3. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Why are you limiting it to this administration? “he hates people like you” This may very well be true (I believe it is) but to be fair lets just say maybe...the democrats have OPENLY said they hate people like him. OPENLY! They openly talk about wiping out the boomers and replacing their...
  4. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Again, YOU don’t get to choose the importance of freedom. We are either free to decide to assemble or we are slaves who assemble when told/allowed to do so. There is no in between
  5. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Why is there a side? I’m willing to get both of you agree probably on 99% of all issues and would probably get along over a few beers but you write him off because of some imaginary line
  6. M

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    You don’t get to decide what’s important to other people. Sure, to YOU it may be more important but the thing about freedom is we all get to make decision for ourselves