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  1. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Another clueless bigot.
  2. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Dude, wtf is wrong with you?
  3. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    I’m sorry to hear that. I have friends who are firefighters and have lost someone dear to them in the force. I believe he was roughly 70 years of age. I’m relatively young but I worry about my children, parents and in laws more than I do about myself.
  4. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    I’m use to dodging female stalkers but **** this is new to me. Unfortunately, with COVID not going anywhere anytime soon we’ll continue to see these type of posters with their agendas. Hope you stay safe, my friend.
  5. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Curious, if they band me, who else would you stalk? It’s borderline creep mode with you at this point. Don’t be so obvious. I’ve seen man crushes before but you take the cake on this website. 😂
  6. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Classic right wing rebuttal. “Can’t someone have a difference in opinion” is practically code for, can’t someone be racist without being judged? I guess if I lived in the Trump bubble I would get defensive about the narrative too.
  7. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Speaking of mouth breathers who ruins threads..
  8. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    I don’t get along with white trash racist people. Feel free to buy him a drink if the shoe fits.
  9. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    You spelled Merikkka wrong. **** politics. It’s beyond that. Supporting this Administration and talking morals and values is laughable. Funny part is, he hates people like you. You’re just too stupid to realize it.
  10. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Highly doubtful with your agenda history you’ve contributed throughout the years on this board. Much like this thread, it’s very clear what side of the line you’re on. I almost feel sorry for you but I rather spend that energy on people who are decent.
  11. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Look at his avatar..
  12. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    It must suck to be you.
  13. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    This is the problem we face as a nation if hospitals continue to run out of space. Once again, we could be potentially be forced to be shut down because people refuse to take the necessary precautions. Number of infected continue to rise on a daily basis. It’s going to be interesting to see how...
  14. Hurracanes

    Houston Suspending Voluntary Workouts

    Another thread about to get locked because of the same mouth breathers, again.