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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Jarrid Williams, OT, Houston - in the portal (Radio Version)

    No. If it was Baylor, he'd have committed already. I think Miami is trying to use a loophole (by not technically "recruiting" him) to get him enrolled then offer him a scholarship. 99% of the board always criticizes the program for not having the savvy of SEC programs to know how to bend the...
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Jarrid Williams, OT, Houston - in the portal (Radio Version)

    Like the man said, his heart is probably at Baylor but his head says Miami. It's the better business decision. I think a kid going with his heart makes the decision quickly. Going with the head over heart is gut wrenching so he might be trying to convince himself otherwise. Most of the...
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Jarrid Williams, OT, Houston - in the portal (Radio Version)

    I think he easily wins the job, but I'm not as down on our OTs as others might be. Folks forget that Nelson was 235 lbs out of HS, then by the start of the season he was 290 lbs. I don't know how he put on that much weight other than eating a box of pastelitos every hour. But just because he...