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  1. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Haven’t heard anything since Tuesday , and nothing had changed.
  2. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Yes and moise situation has gotten real quiet. It looked good then things went silent.
  3. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

  4. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Walker is more accurate
  5. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Not sure where that narrative even came from , he literally got there right before the whole lockdown. Spring practice was only a couple weeks In. Nothing with this transfer is related to that nonsense or being in trouble.
  6. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    8 wins he’s in danger , 7 and he’s 100 % gone. There’s very important people that think nine or more saves him. And the hit isn’t massive , he makes chump change for the level he’s coaching at. The whole “athletic dept is broke” narrative is bs.
  7. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    The issues aren’t character related , trouble or butthurt about playing time. There’s multiple issues , none involving trouble.
  8. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    The home team always feels different , just like Lingard. People here ripped him but didn’t know what had went on behind the scenes. Just like UF fans will rip Walker without knowing what’s going on behind the scenes. That’s just what fans do, because they’re fans. They don’t want to believe...
  9. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Nobody is butthurt
  10. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    All I said was something seems to soured between them and UF. Not sure what happened. I felt like we had a zero percent chance before so I’d have to say they’ve improved lol.
  11. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Oh , ok. I figured they’d use something like that.
  12. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    If that’s what their end is saying it’s bs. 100%.
  13. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Not sure what’s going on there but something seems to went sour with UF. We actually have a better shot than I’d ever thought. I did say zero percent lol.
  14. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    This is nothing on the kid , I don’t blame him for leaving. I’ll just leave it at that.
  15. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Multiple options and one is very likely. Not hard to figure out.
  16. C

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    The staff has options and as of now he isn’t one.