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  1. B

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    For every Alabama or LSU or Clemson that has a ton of talent that also goes to the pros, there is a Miami, UCLA, Washington, Cal type of program that also has a lot of pro talent that end up mediocre. Every time D$ posts one of these lists, its like an even split of teams with talent that do...
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    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    We also haven't won because there's been some sorry talent on the roster. It can be both (and more) things. Once we get back to a Coker average, maybe we can get some morals and standards back. Until then...a bish gotta eat...tired of eating Spaghetti O's and dollar menu, brother.
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    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Gotta earn that. Its earned, not given. Don't want to be treated like a hoe? Clean yourself up, get a job, act games.
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    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    No one is begging except Walker. Door should be open and we are not in a position to be grandstanding or taking a high road, especially when on its face he just looks like he wants to come home. If there is some reason that emerges where he committed a crime or is less than desirable as a man...
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    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    We have never won the ACC, brother. Its 2am, last call just been announced, if you got standards at this point, more power to you.
  6. B

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    People really not wanting Issiah Walker? Really? yo...couldn't be me. y'all wild. I'll take 4* dancing bear left tackle projections and I don't care how they end up here. The left side of that W-L column is all that matters.
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    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    If he's a left tackle with dancing bear feet...idk, just pounce. Unless the man committed a crime we are unaware of, what could have possibly changed between now and October 5th, 2019 that would require anything other than a busy work worksheet for homework? Also, the COVID situation shouldn't...
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    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Jakai Clark ain't a slouch. Shouldn't have been playing football in 2019, but he's got a tool box. Low key, one of the guys on the roster that might be working with something if Justice is the man. He struggled, but he didn't look like someone that had no business being there anymore than any...
  9. B

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Issiah Walker, Willie Moise paired with Jalen Rivers, Chris Washington, Mike McLaughlin, Ryan Rodriguez, and Big Baby? You turn that down you a fool. Period.
  10. B

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    He didn't become a ****ty prospect in four months of not playing football. Go back and watch this man's feet and him working over some schmucks in one on ones and come back to this thread. As for me...
  11. B

    Issiah Walker in transfer portal

    Breh...that's hilarious in every single way.