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  1. The Franchise

    Should we have a football season?

    It could also just as easily be considered a "frivolous" activity to do pretty much anything--like going out to eat, going to bars, gyms, nail salons, and anything else that isn't essential. If restaurants can open at 25% capacity, which will pretty much be impossible to monitor, then they...
  2. The Franchise

    Should we have a football season?

    I consider that part of the college football economy.
  3. The Franchise

    Should we have a football season?

    In one breath, you talk about people understanding loosening restrictions because it will help the economy. Then, you call college football "frivolous." College football is a zillion dollar business that does a lot more for the economy than Catfish Dewey's.
  4. The Franchise

    Should we have a football season?

    Good breakdown. I'm not sure the Santa Clara Health Department has the authority to shut down sports. That's probably more within the governor's purview. The way I see it is there's so much time between now and the season that the only real threats to not playing are NY due to the crazy...
  5. The Franchise

    Should we have a football season?

    There will never be zero infections, so if that's what some are waiting for, then they'll be waiting forever. The governors clearly are not subscribing to the "zero infection" model. By the time June rolls around, unless the early openings reverse all the good that's been done by the...
  6. The Franchise

    Should we have a football season?

    Clearly, most governors, including yours, are not subscribing to this doomsday "guaranteed safe" soundbite that you keep repeating. Why do you keep harping on it those two words that the decision makers seem to be ignoring?
  7. The Franchise

    Should we have a football season?

    They could hire all college kids to do the broadcasts, as they are far less susceptible to harsh effects of COVID.
  8. The Franchise

    Should we have a football season?

    We will play this year. I have no doubt. People are going back to work, and May just started. The smart people in charge are all speaking publicly about how dangerous the situation is and how we have to monitor it. And they're canceling HS camps and meaningless **** like that, but they're not...