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  1. JD08

    Schefter: CFB is going to happen this season

    Human nature says that wont happen. People are already trying to get out. NYC has only half *** complied. All the executive orders recommending masks are in anticipation of people cutting loose around the end of the month. Here's your business opportunity: sports themed face masks. If I have to...
  2. JD08

    Schefter: CFB is going to happen this season

    Is the goal now a global depression?
  3. JD08

    Schefter: CFB is going to happen this season

    People will continue to get sick until there's a vaccine. We didn't do all of this to make the virus extinct, we did it to avoid the spike that would cripple the healthcare system and lead to unnecessary deaths. People will continue to spread Covid, influenza, and the common cold. Some of those...
  4. JD08

    Schefter: CFB is going to happen this season

    Flattening the curve was never about keeping people from ever getting sick. It was about avoiding that initial spike and overwhelming the healthcare system. We'll have a CFB season, but it won't be exactly the same as it used to be.
  5. JD08

    Schefter: CFB is going to happen this season

    It's completely accurate until the good seats start getting cheap on StubHub.