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  1. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    No. Why do you ask?
  2. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    :ibis-roflmao-sm3: You are right that ‘you are what you do.’. I just can’t determine if you’re a troll or a potato.
  3. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    An estimate? An estimate of what? You’re trying to play semantic games. Poorly, moreover. If you think us winning will not poisitively impact local recruiting, that’s your problem. I have no interest in continuing this discussion with you.
  4. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Again you prove you’re a child or think like one. quit trying to make a football discussion into sme stupid logic game. You’re not only wrong, you sound ridiculous. You are welcome to thimk local kids would not tend to stay home more than they have even if we were back at the top of cfb. I...
  5. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    You are the one lost in a logic trap. You’re trying to fix the future by reference to a misunderstanding of the past. We will win more when we get a better overall roster and better coaching. Either would help. Together they’ll be powerful. We can improve talent in many ways. We will always...
  6. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Pick away, you’re pursing an idiotic strawman approach to a discussion that doesn’t need it or benefit from it. it’s really not hard to understand the concepts here. Some kids have loyalty to a brand, some don’t. Of the ones with loyalty, some have it more, some less. For all of them, it...
  7. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    No logic trap whatsoever. You’re lost in a paper bag and sound like a first semester law student. No need to distort every argument to a logical extreme. No need to assume it’s all one thing, nothing else matters. In any case you aren’t going by what I have put forth. You’re going by your...
  8. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Depends what you meam by that. Do we evaluate well, assess our needs well, target the right kids, know who is a waste of time and recruit well? It ain’t guaranteed. But we’ll recruit better if we have a product that sells. From there, it’s incremental. Play well, recruit better, win...
  9. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Because kids are not as stupid as you think. And human beings want more than one thing. And your response is just silly, in any case. ‘Some’ kids have a degree of emotional loyalty to a brand. That doesn’t mean they’re going to sacrifice their lives and career opportunities for a school that...
  10. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    If we win consistently, and show kids we are a good place to build their career and win football games, our recruiting will trend up.
  11. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Young folks have always wanted to see the world, going back to the days of Rome and Greece. Some went to war in part for it, enlisted in navies over it, etc. That isht ain’t new. Meanwhile, being liked and a star in your hometown will also always appeal to many/most kids. Having your family...
  12. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    His coddling quitters didn’t help. He set the cultural tone he whines about. And he was ‘on record’s the a lot of stuff. He sure didn’t deliver against it yet. As for what I did or didit say, now you’re being silly and petty. It matters zero what I wrote on a message board. That’s just you...
  13. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    I see a guy who climbed this was an easy fix then trashed the kids after it turned out he was wrong. I see a guy who hypes baubles, pimps yachts and pulls adolescent stunts like crashing a FSU clinic. I see a guy who set the tone by coddling quitters repeatedly. Then he’s surprised when his...
  14. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    I’m not sure about that. Lotta folks seem to be unfamiliar with the notion of prioritization in world of limited and scarce resources.
  15. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    diaz has been talking a lot but setting a poor example.
  16. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Huh? What good reasons has UM given to local kids to bother consider going here the past 15 years? Since the answer is none, I fail to see how you blame the kids for being rational.
  17. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Why would you think that?
  18. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Maybe we need to be realistic. 5* kids from out of state sure ain’t been coming here much. Why do we think we’d get them? We need to pick well amongst high 3* and 4* kids, and evaluate well. Until we recruit like we know how to recruit, I am not optimistic that we’ll do better by trying to...
  19. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Butch knew what he was looking for, and how to find it.
  20. Ethnicsands

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    A bit misleading. SC is a small pool to fish in, and their recruiting is mostly regional, from no fla to DC on atlantic and over to TN and UGA.