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  1. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    What did you say? Oh never mind, I don't care anyways. I need a nap. hahahaha
  2. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Have you seen some of the players on roster?
  3. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Perhaps both. It will be ok. You will recover from this L. Back to the lab, work on it some more, come debate me when ready. I'll only go 1/4 speed this time. PS..For context, I only went 1/8 for your thrashing this morning... wearing a blind fold. You make it too easy talking...
  4. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Because you have been resoundingly crushed. You are better than this. You can, and will, recover. Go Canes.
  5. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    You make a good point. It's painful and disappointing, but nonetheless has truth behind it.
  6. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Got it. You are all talk and vague statements. I asked you not to pick a fight, and you are too stupid to realize how soundly you been beaten. Hey coward, why cant you make a simple estimate? Because you don't know nor have the courage. Even you should be able to muster that, but can't...
  7. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    You've done all my work for me. Keep using circular and vague language in attempt to back away from the L. It's ok. I'm just using your own argument. You offered more SoFL kids would stay at Miami with Ws out if emotional loyalty and playing in front of friends and family. I only offered...
  8. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    I'm not distorting anything, just trying to follow the logic to your argument. Go Canes.
  9. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Ethnic...this is not a argument you want to pick. You either haven't communicated your point, or you don't realize your contradictions. It's ok.
  10. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    It's not a knock on athletes to leave SoFL. Again, it would be weird if a majority stayed home--Miami Ws or Ls notwithstanding. The world has just gotten too small. With digital access, everything can feel "like home". For UCG to return to UM status, they need outsiders more than ever and...
  11. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    PS. I am incredibly clever and smug. It's my superpower.
  12. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Ok. Don't be mad you fell into a logic trap. All good, it happens. So the loyalty and wanting to play in front of family works on a winning team. I'm only going by our discussion and what you have put forth. Interesting.
  13. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Don't disagree one bit. My question has been: will the class rosters uptick, in meaningful numbers, with the best fit local talent?
  14. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    I would add this: why do Ws mix in with emotional loyalty to hometown brand? One would think Ls mixed in with above would drive the elite to stay even more to "fix" what has gone wrong. You know, because they have so much emotional loyalty and want family to see them play at home.
  15. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    I want to see the day UCG returns as UM with Ws. I guess we would see who's theory stands up. Go Canes.
  16. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    A well thought out plan. I'm jumping in both feet for the big win here.
  17. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    Macho...I'm certainly not blaming the kids. Quite the contrary--it's normal for youth to want to see the world. This is not an issue facing Miami, but programs everywhere. UCG racking up Ls to high school squads just makes it that much worse.
  18. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    I think, in both good and bad ways, internet amd social media have made the world smaller and more immediate than anytime in history. Add in ease of use and low airline prices--young folks want ro see the world. Weird if they don't.
  19. Empirical Cane

    State of Miami: Myth Busted

    It applies to all SoFL kids. Fewer and fewer with options want to stay. That will perhaps get tested IF UCG turns back into UM with Ws. Big IF and I suspect even a natty won't keep as much of top local talent at home as people think.