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  1. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    He's 51 in a profession guys regularly coach well into their late 60's.
  2. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    You know how this works. Guy with decent career gets fired from big job after spectacular failure. Goes to small, nothing school for a year, makes drastic improvement, gets next middling job for 2-3 years, does well enough, gets back to decent work again. He won't be an OC anywhere noteworthy...
  3. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    Oddly both Coop and Baby J are among top 10 all-time rushers, but both played 4 years and their season averages were lousy. The only elite back we had between Gore and Duke was Lamar Miller.
  4. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    I was at that game. I still feel bad for Wright. Credit to him dude was tough as nails. He got hit on **** near every offensive snap that game. Thing is if we look back every year to '05, to me the most common thing is lack of a top-tier OL.
  5. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    I hear this, but IMO Coker's fallacies weren't nearly as bad as Golden/Richt. Coker's issue was he didn't know how to manage a locker room. He recruited a ton of 5-star guys but had no feel for cohesive culture. Once we lost leaders like Dorsey and Reed, the wheels started to come off...
  6. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    This is a great point. It's hard to care when there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    He did. He started all of them. They all sucked. Did you SEE Martell play QB? Enos has been an HC and worked under Saban. He'll get decent work again, while Jon Richt is out there saying "I coached Malik Rosier at QB."
  8. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    And again, massive talent gap. And the '06 team had a roster full of guys that were used to winning. Can't say that about this team.
  9. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    Ohhhh yeah. He sucked some serious balls.
  10. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    Come on man, use your brain. The offense was an absolute disaster. I'm not saying it was communicated directly to him. I'm saying he read the writing on the wall.
  11. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    The defense was much better. '06 did about the same with WAY more talent. The only first-rounder on this D is Rousseau.
  12. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    Because comparing a guy that was recently fired to two guys who have been out of work for years is totally reasonable. Enos sucked, but at least he had real credentials. Nix was the OC for a school that barely played offense and 'lil Richt had done nothing but ride Daddy's coattails his whole...
  13. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    Neither Nix nor Richt are currently employed in real football either. I think you/Canes fans are putting WAY too much stake into that FIU loss. Enos knew he was fired at that point and was mailing it in. All the available QB's were probably at the lowest point in their 'Canes careers. We...
  14. CashMoneyCane

    2006 Season

    Wasn't that a Patrick Nix offense? He's now the second worst hire in modern UM history after Jon "Nah Dad, I'll look for a job tomorrow. This couch is comfortable" Richt.