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  1. The Franchise

    An Apology

    D$ went Roddy Piper to his Jimmy Snuka.
  2. The Franchise

    An Apology

    D$ went straight up Bed Bug Eddie on poor NYSOM.
  3. The Franchise

    An Apology

    It was absolutely identical to the pathetic end to Jannetty’s proud career.
  4. The Franchise

    An Apology

    It was his apology the minute he put his name on it. If Androol wrote some abhorrent apology for me that was the written equivalent of groveling at and licking between the toes of a homeless mongoloid, I’d tell Androol to eat my *** after Taco Bell in perpetuity.
  5. The Franchise

    An Apology

    I don’t care who wrote it. He put his name to it. So it was his. The saddest part of the whimpering end to the NYSOM character is that he emasculated himself with a sniveling apology to a douchebag that he absolutely slayed with that DM just to get back on here. Then D$ walked up to him with a...
  6. The Franchise

    An Apology

    Total savage move making him get on his knees and apologize to a total **** then put two in his head after he emasculated himself. That sounds like D$ type of savagery. The irony is that apology was the gheyest **** NYSOM ever wrote. Poor guy. He’ll be back with a new name and maybe a new...
  7. The Franchise

    An Apology

    OP is a **** for punking out to one of the board’s biggest shytbags—AutisticCane.