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  1. CashMoneyCane

    For the “we don’t play anybody” crowd

    I'm sorry, but if you can't understand the difference between correlation and causation, you're not remotely intelligent. Meanwhile, he's arguing that football was successful DESPITE Foote, but unsuccessful BECAUSE OF Shalalala.... which makes zero logical sense. If you're saying politics is...
  2. CashMoneyCane

    For the “we don’t play anybody” crowd

    1) Not only did I GO to Miami. I was also a long-time employee and Student Government Senator, during Shalala's tenure. 2) If you think capping coaching salaries is bad for Miami, you're a complete idiot with zero understanding of the basic landscape of college football. 3) You look like an...
  3. CashMoneyCane

    For the “we don’t play anybody” crowd

    Seems more the rule than the exception.
  4. CashMoneyCane

    For the “we don’t play anybody” crowd

    Have you ever heard of Tad Foote, who LITERALLY tried to kill the football program, with evidence? Please, I BEG you, support your theory as to how Shalalalalala ruined the football program. Show your work like this is third grade. If you want to complain, go knock on Paul DiMare, Norman...
  5. CashMoneyCane

    For the “we don’t play anybody” crowd

    Same crowd: -We need an on campus stadium! -We need to hire only former players! -Fire everyone after six games! -Shalala ruined the football program! It's amazing they can be so vocal with all that glue in their mouths.