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  1. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    The entire discussion is short-bus level flawed. The premise is that nfl stats tell you about miami rosters. But just like a few companies‘ stock prices doing well doesn’t tell you what their index is doing, a few kids doing well down the line doesn’t tell you about the actual roster talent at...
  2. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    You are trying hard to sound like you have a case but you present no meaningful analysis of our actual rosters, which is why it’s obvious to smyone reading these exchanges that your case is message board hyperbole, not actual football analysis. The factors for you to consider in assessing...
  3. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    i don’t think so. You just pretend to misconstrue the point because potato. I wrote that: ‘volume of non-nfl kids is quite obviously the elephant in the room in this discussion.’ You responded with ’How do we compare to the rest of the country in “volume of non-nfl kids.”’ I responded...
  4. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    That is absurd. It’s not at all irrelevant. We’re just so desperate as a fan base that we overplay and overrate everything. He had a very good freshman year. Our team sucked. He didn’t start for a while. No dishonor that he wasn’t an all american. Which kids have we had who legit...
  5. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    I just spelled it out for you. Try to read my comment. No need to try to play word games, either. The point is obvious. The great majority of the roster are kids who won’t have meaningful nfl careers. Maybe you should consider how we stack up there, too, onstead of being distracted by a...
  6. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    Miami put out better nfl talent in ‘95-‘99 than it has the past decade. Those were the down years. I will go further than I have yet on this topic. The recruiting bias towards pro measurables has been a disaster for this program. We have not had coaches who know how to evaluate well since...
  7. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    You are not trying to understand. That’s the issue. You’re apparently trying hard not to understand. If we put out 2-3 kids a year who have sustained nfl careers, then there are still >70 kids on the roster who won’t. Compare those pools. 10 future solid pros vs. ~75 other guys. Did you...
  8. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    Sure, it can. But that doesn’t mean our rosters have been well managed. That doesn’t mean we have evaluated well, either. Just look at the ‘80s, ‘90s and ‘00s vs the ‘10s. I wrote it above. We put out better nfl talent in the 1970s than the 2010s. That’s pathetic. Just look at NFL all pro...
  9. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    Quite obviously poorly, insofar as our guys haven’t played well enough. We have had too many empty spots, too many wasted scholarships, we’ve been bad at retaining kids, we’ve had to play true frosh far too much because of necessity, we haven't redshirted sufficiently, we’ve had too much...
  10. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    If folks here are just trying to confirm for themselves that our coaching has stunk, well that’s awkward. I mean, of course it’s stunk. That’s why they get fired. But these bad coaches are also the guys who have been recruiting, evaluating and doing rooster management for us. What are the...
  11. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    If you aren’t aware that we’ve had this exact discussion over and over, D$ and I, in threads you have been in, then you may have a memory issue. Our coaching has sucked. Obviously. It’s also meant mediocre evals and terrible roster management. These threads are delusional, imo, if they lead...
  12. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    We send a couple kids a year to the nfl. Play maybe 50. Volume of nfl kids ain’t the whole picture. What about our volume of empty spots, wasted spots, lack of redshirts, playing true frosh, etc.? Zion Nelson may end up in the NFL. Will you start a thread when he does to conted he was an...
  13. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    See, everyone knows we have had enough talent to win the coastal. That’s really a weak explanation for these nfl list threads.
  14. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    Our actual, available, real life roster talent has cratered like the Titanic after the iceberg, and folks here are still playing violins and toasting like the boat was just leaving port.
  15. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    Just wait until someone runs that nfl outcomes chart for UM and the 0 year is 2012 instead of 2002.
  16. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    Yep. And I have been pointing this exact thing out since Coker was here!
  17. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    Metaphors suck, but I’m not sure how else to highlight the point. If you contended a chain was strong because 10% of it’s links were steel, and ignored that half of the rest of them were broken and a few were missing, well, you’d be wrong. It’s about time people around this program started to...
  18. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    You are seemingly traying hard not to think about anything beyond your simple nfl stats. Not sure there’s any productive way to continue to point it out, but your analysis sounds defensive and like an effort not to see our real talent issues rather than an effort to understand them...
  19. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    Yep. Coker started it. It’s like a virus in our fan base today. People scratching their heads about talent when it’s obvious our rosters have been thin, unbalanced, immature.
  20. Ethnicsands

    NFL Combine invites by team (2020)

    It’s ironic you write that because we likely sent quality nfl talent to the nfl in ‘10-‘14 than ‘15-‘19. Since ‘15, we’ve had 4 first rounders and one second rounder. Zero all pro seasons so far from that group. Zero pro bowl seasons so far, either. From the ‘10-‘14 group, you have the two...