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  1. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    I love this notion that Shalalala "destroyed us." Really feeling like none of you have any idea who Tad Foote was.
  2. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    WRONG! It's been a scheme with Shalalalala, Pelosi and Schifty-Schiff to keep The U down! Witch Hunt!
  3. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    You kind of invalidate your argument when you bring up the relative differential in tuition for private vs. public schools while not concurrently acknowledging that difference is because of taxpayer money.
  4. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    There is a difference between partially learning science and accepting the opinion of the person that teaches it to you and actually learning a science and forming opinions of your own. If you're the former, you're exactly the person I was talking about when you initially responded. That's...
  5. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    LMAO no it doesn't. Economics is a mathematical science. Math doesn't have opinions. I take it you never took an econ class either.
  6. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    I'm operating under the assumption it would be implemented nationally. This isn't the first time such legislation has been proposed, but doing it at a state level would be completely idiotic.
  7. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    How about forced economics education to keep people who don't understand how it works from having an opinion on it?
  8. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    Everything about this. Except I'd love to have paid $150 for textbooks. My accounting books almost 20 years ago were over $200 a piece.
  9. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    This would be a good thing for Miami. Stop making everything about politics and use your **** brain.
  10. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    Agreed. I'm not saying that public flagship schools SHOULD be a bastion of progressive thought as my opinion. I think that's how they're viewed, now, by their trustees and administrators. There's a lot of incest in people graduating from state schools going on to become state administrators...
  11. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    This is extraordinarily simple to manipulate.
  12. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    The issue with your argument is you're operating under the economics of a free market. The NCAA is far from a free market. But for starters, if you're paid by the load, why the **** are you working 10 if you only get paid for 6? Your entire argument falls apart when you're assuming workers...
  13. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    Doesn't quite work that way given the relative institutional autonomy of public universities. They have their Trustees and boosters too, and in many if not most cases, Trustees of a major state university are also extremely influential in said state. Moreover, the flagship school in a given...
  14. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    Again, debatable based on the school, but effectively six or a half dozen. But I'd argue that the facilities and researcher/professor arms race is the major driver of tuition increases.
  15. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    Also everyone: Miami should hire (name five people making a million dollars a year) and build a stadium! Yup. A bunch of people with an opinion on economics that know nothing about economics. Fox News says it's bad, so it's bad!
  16. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    I'm not sure what you mean by "front office," but all of the administrative support, especially the analysts, are the biggest contributing factor. But if we're talking about skyrocketing coaches salaries, why aren't we talking about skyrocketing tuition costs? Seems like trying to use a...
  17. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    I think her salary at Miami was $900K a year. Guessing she's doing OK.
  18. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    Money is a fungible asset, and therefore that perspective is highly debatable.
  19. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    It's not as much about the HC as it is the entire staff. When the 'Bamas of the world can afford an army of high paid assistants (which I think are limitless on NCAA rules), THAT'S where competitive advantage issues come to play.
  20. CashMoneyCane

    Shalala Sponsoring a bill to limit coaching salaries

    Get your LOGIC and REASON outta here! This is 'Murica! You're talking Commie liberal Pelosi BS!!!