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  1. JD08

    Joe Buck -Idiot

    Are you under the impression that the electors in the electoral college can cast their vote in secret for whomever they choose? Because I'm pretty sure if Florida voters select Bilbo Baggins and suddenly our 29 votes go to Albus Dumbledore, somebody's going to notice.
  2. JD08

    Joe Buck -Idiot

    Y2K was blown out of proportion, but it was a real problem where years were stored in 2 digit fields instead of 4 digits in very old code, much of which was still running. Nobody who actually worked in IT had any concerns.
  3. JD08

    Joe Buck -Idiot

    It would seem that Joe Buck has company.
  4. JD08

    Joe Buck -Idiot

    You sure you want know if he did?
  5. JD08

    Joe Buck -Idiot

    Not even close. 1930's Germany came about out of severe economic conditions caused in no small part by reparations from WW1. There was a whole chain of events that built in each other. Our current situation is caused more by tribalism than anything else. Use fear and envy to attract to your...
  6. JD08

    Joe Buck -Idiot

    At least he didn't ask for **** pics.