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  1. For_The_U

    Commercials have been a disaster. Cool story. That kid was like a living bolt of lightning when he shot out of that tunnel last night! You can tell he's special; just had a spark about him. I had never heard of him before. Remember the...
  2. For_The_U

    Commercials have been a disaster.

    Well said. I think both factors are at play. There is no question that the world of comedy has been under attack from the PC Police in the last half decade more than ever before. I think you see that timidness reflected in things like superbowl ads as well. Heck, I thought the best ad last...
  3. For_The_U

    Commercials have been a disaster.

    But under that logic, why would companies today not be making ads like jordan v bird or mean joe or Budweiser frogs? If those ads were pure, on target, noncontroversial and iconic (which they were), what is it about today's climate in your view that has lead to such ads not being made anymore?
  4. For_The_U

    Commercials have been a disaster.

    Right, meaning they pander to the PC Police because they are afraid of offending someone in the ever growing Always Offended Culture and then being attacked relentlessly on the twittersphere for it. So they elect to go "sterile, pandering, or just lazy" as a result. Isnt that the same thing?