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  1. KrazyCane

    Miami Hurricanes at the nfl combine

    The striker position is trash and does a disservice to the defense as a whole, the player playing the position, and the two LBers having to make up for a player that is never in place to assist in run support. Never in place to assist in pass coverage either unless it’s a screen.
  2. KrazyCane

    Miami Hurricanes at the nfl combine

    nah the striker position isn’t a package it’s our base defense which is the problem. Finley has no real work at the safety position. If the striker position was a sub package than he would have tape of him playing safety then rotating to striker when needed. And the striker would be a position...
  3. KrazyCane

    Miami Hurricanes at the nfl combine

    If Finley doesn’t get invited to the NFL combine it will be more evidence to how terrible the Striker position is. Wasted his career playing a pointless position that doesn’t exist in the NFL