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  1. CashMoneyCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Telly Lockette joining the staff 🚨

    Well, I managed billions of dollars as a professional portfolio manager, so I sure as **** know more than most. Not that has much to do with non-profit finance, which I also happen to know a lot about. Your derision is unwarranted.
  2. CashMoneyCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Telly Lockette joining the staff 🚨

    As an alum who was on the finance committee for student government, I beg to differ. There's a huge difference between having money and having a pool of money to allocate. See my post on University Financing. If we have so much money, why didn't we spend it on the IPF? Because that's not how...
  3. CashMoneyCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Telly Lockette joining the staff 🚨

    1) How often are reports regarding The U right? 40% of the time... maybe? 2) IF it existed, it was for Highsmith. So we're not doing something else with it. 3) It is NOT as easy as just giving some money for a new staff member. There are probably Title IX implications. My point was never so...
  4. CashMoneyCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Telly Lockette joining the staff 🚨

    WHAT Highsmith money? It never existed. Might be why he didn't get the job? I'm really, really struggling to understand why the fanbase thinks we have money like Harvard.