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  1. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    He was the distraction here. Knuckleheads will find and become distractions no matter where they are. Just take a look at Last Chance U and those JUCOs in the middle of nowhere redneck wastelands.
  2. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    Seems right for him. He's a small time thinker and a small time guy. He should have success there if he can figure out a way to gain some personal accountability. The level of competition is straight trash, and he'll be in a good system.
  3. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    So Suitcase didn’t earn a U on his helmet in practice, but he started every game for which he was healthy. That sounds like Suitcase sucks, and the coaches are weak losers for letting a guy who can’t wear a U in practice wear one in games. I question the validity of all these snippets...
  4. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    It ain’t just last week’s article. Anyone who follows the program closely knows what a waffling loser Suitcase Jerry has been his entire time here. I don’t care about some dopey article. We already saw it all for two years—the repeated transfer ****, the poor prep, the suspension, walking out...
  5. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    Dummies think that because he hired a lawyer he’s automatically getting a waiver. People hire lawyers all the time and don’t get what they wanted. He’s got no grounds for a waiver unless there’s something completely unknown.
  6. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    He’ll be eligible this year because the only programs that will want him will be FCS or Last Chance U. I wonder if Satterfield might take him just off memories from Suitcase’s one shining moment.
  7. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    Welp. At least he learned one thing from Penos.
  8. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    Moving closer to your pot dealer isn’t grounds for a waiver.
  9. The Franchise

    Jarren Williams Into The Portal

    Suitcase Jerry finally made it official. Can’t have a winning program with a loser at QB. You think the coaches trashed some of our other portal entries? Wait till another coach asks them about Suitcase Jerry.