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  1. canesthing3

    Who killed Ghost?

    Finale and really the last episodes after Ghost got shot were trash. People hate on the GOT finale but Power’s is infinitely worse. Besides the fact that it’s resolution was predictable as could be and I hate what they did with most of the characters, what they did with Ghost these last few...
  2. canesthing3

    Who killed Ghost?

    I’ve seen a leaked version of the finale but not sure if it’s official because they recorded multiple endings. Gotta say that I don’t love it, if that’s what they really have planned. Second half of the final season has really been a disappointment IMO. I mean the penultimate episode is all...
  3. canesthing3

    Who killed Ghost?

    Obviously, somebody did it but I’m not liking any of them story wise. I’m getting worried about how well this show is going to wrap up. Fans already hate Tariq and you’re going to have him kill the protagonist? Terrible move even though that’s who I think did it. I just don’t buy Tasha going...
  4. canesthing3

    Who killed Ghost?

    I’m still going with Tariq’s ***** ***.