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  1. 305to954

    The Off-season National Championship - Miami is ranked #1

    @miamicanephins too that group..coming in new threads with 2week old topics..why? Who the **** knows lol
  2. 305to954

    The Off-season National Championship - Miami is ranked #1

    I’m tryna eat bro..
  3. 305to954

    The Off-season National Championship - Miami is ranked #1

    Not over king who wasn’t in the portal at the time..don’t get it twisted..Franks is a better option than anyone currently on our roster
  4. 305to954

    The Off-season National Championship - Miami is ranked #1

    That’s a pretty sad category to be in
  5. 305to954

    The Off-season National Championship - Miami is ranked #1

    Nah manny just needs to be himself. If he’s not disciplinarian by nature he shouldn’t try to be..player’s sense fake phonies..if his way doesn’t work he wasn’t the right fit bottom line..imo the players own just as much of the 6-7 year as anyone..and I understand that take around here is frowned...
  6. 305to954

    The Off-season National Championship - Miami is ranked #1

    Supernatural is a very underrated show man..btw the OP is a doofus