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  1. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    Same man who names is other son Sue.
  2. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    Point taken...last 60s if memory serves...Destroyer right? Carrier is a whole other league.
  3. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    Are you new here? 😀
  4. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    Muppet, is English your second language? That's rhetorical of course. Where did I say there is no racism? There can be pockets of any "-ism/ist" without labeling an entire country/system as said "-ism/ist". FFS.
  5. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    And far too long overdue.
  6. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    I was attempting to draw him in. I failed. 😔
  7. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    You are going to be so bummed when you see the geological record evidence for the past 400 million years. 😬
  8. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    You gotta give what the public wants nephew.
  9. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    100% 👆. So many try to use academic and deep dictionary words to sound smart about history, yet they know none of it. Even in a segregated Navy (absolutely abhorrent to today's war fighters--can't even comprehend), he did what was right and defended his shipmates. D Miller is an inspiration...
  10. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    They did in 1943. This isn't about Millee's tan, but what is actions warranted.
  11. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    I'm always up for a good laugh.
  12. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    Because it just did. He was long overshadowed by other prominent names. Thankfully, our Navy and Nation course corrected. I'll take the W as a positive step forward.
  13. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    Ok. You forgot to add intersectional and patriarchy. Just trying to help. For added perspective, since we are lecturing on history and all... If memory serves, Leo Harmon had a destoyer named after him in... 1943....yes...1943... For his heroism during battle of Guadalcanal (Leyte...
  14. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    He decommitted. They respected his decision in 40'. Players telegraph.
  15. Empirical Cane

    Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

    This thread will get banned in about 30 secs... But tell me again how racist our Nation is? For perspective, American Carriers are the most powerful Ships of the Line... ON...