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  1. mossmadness

    Penn State Hires Stubblefield

    I’ve used the analogy before, but a coaching staff is like a baseball team: defensive fielding has to come from some positions, and hitting has to come from some positions. Do you absolutely need your SS to be a great defender? No. Ideally he would be, but he doesn’t have to be. But if your...
  2. mossmadness

    Penn State Hires Stubblefield

    What we need to do is go find out who is the current Willie Taggart or T Martin on the trail at a school like New Mexico State or something. Who is the guy everybody is talking about as having an electric personality and is getting kids to take an interest at these sh*tty schools more than they...
  3. mossmadness

    Penn State Hires Stubblefield

    shut up
  4. mossmadness

    Penn State Hires Stubblefield

    WR doesn’t need an “elite” coach at the position. It’s one thing to argue lets not hire a horrible coach. And we all agree with that. That at some point, your coaching is so bad it negates your recruiting. But if you need to be an elite coach to have a productive WR unit, it’s because...
  5. mossmadness

    Penn State Hires Stubblefield

    3 “good” WRs. That’s the problem. And so because Dugan was apparently a horrible WR coach, we shouldn’t target a big time recruiter for WR coach? What type of logic is that? It’s like saying, “This ugly girl was good in bed. This pretty girl wasn’t. So in the future, I’m only going to...