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  1. nystateofmind

    Team Meeting Tonight

    I don’t own a male feline, friend. And even if I did, I don’t see what that has to do with Jonathan Patke.
  2. nystateofmind

    Team Meeting Tonight

    That’s okay. We can agree to disagree. That’s what message boards are for. Robust sports talk, polite debate and the sharing of quiche recipes. :)
  3. nystateofmind

    Team Meeting Tonight

    Jonathan Patke is an elite coach. No slander of him is allowed in my presence.
  4. nystateofmind

    Team Meeting Tonight

    Stubbs and Banda should’ve been gone at the bare minimum. You could make a case for Rumph, Baker and Field, too. Only coaches that should’ve been 100% safe were Hickson, Patke and Stroud.
  5. nystateofmind

    Team Meeting Tonight

    I don’t think so. They wouldn’t bring coaches who are getting fired to a team meeting.
  6. nystateofmind

    Team Meeting Tonight

    I cannot believe Lashlee would be okay with being saddled with three returning assistants and only bringing in one of his own guys. That makes no sense.
  7. nystateofmind

    Team Meeting Tonight

    If Stubbs was there, I would think that means he’s coming back.
  8. nystateofmind

    Team Meeting Tonight
