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  1. Memnon

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    Lon & Canes Warning are the two biggest Hect *** kissing slurpper bìtches I've ever seen in my life. Their whole Twitter feed is just one long rambling sycophant defense of every shìtty decision that gets made. They're so ****** lame, I can't stand either one of'em smh.
  2. Memnon

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    I don't know... But what I do know is, you can't learn to be a disciplinarian, you either are or you're not & once you show that you're not its virtually impossible to pretend like you are after the fact. The toothpaste is already out of the tube, who he is is who he is, Coaches just like...
  3. Memnon

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    What are you a puritanical Quaker? You gotta be trollin, no way people younger than 65 still think like this...
  4. Memnon

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    Never said it was, people just assume it's always just Perry or Jarren. Some of the players on this squad that the board is in love with are actually some of the main culprits for the issues that plague the locker room. It's just only certain guys get called out for it based on who fans like &...
  5. Memnon

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    Everybody is singling out Jarren & for good reason, as he deserves it... But if you think he's the only QB drinking/smoking & not taking football seriously you're sadly mistaken. Some of yall are gonna have to come to terms with the fact your boy Tathaniel isn't the innocent little angel...
  6. Memnon

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    But conversations with multiple people around the program, including a veteran player, say there’s another issue, particularly in the quarterback room, that must be fixed. And UM is working to achieve that. That player - and other sources around the team - say a few players seem more concerned...